Saturday, January 17, 2009

Purls of Wisdom

Here at CVC there is a group of women who get together twice a month to knit, crochet or do needle point while we visit together. We call ourselves the Purls of Wisdom since we are all getting to the age of wise old women. However we have been called the Naughty Knitters by one of our younger neighbors!

It happens that right now all of us are grandmothers so many of our projects are gifts for our grandchildren. However even with grandchildren to knit for, we find that we have more desire to knit than we have family members to give the finished projects to. So we looked for other people for whom we could knit.

Another neighbor is a social worker in Colorado Springs who works with children who are placed in foster care. We have made small afghans and quilts for these children.

We found a program called Afghans for Afghanistan through the internet and in a book called KNITTING FOR PEACE. The goal of the program is for American women to make wool items which will be sent to Afghani women for their families.

Here is the afghan that the CVC knitting group made together during 2008. All the yarn is leftover from other projects. It turned out to be a great way to use up those odd skeins of yarn and, we think, made a beautiful afghan. It is made of wool yarn in dark colors and contains no images which could be offensive to Islamic people, all of which are requirements for the Afghans to Afghanistan project. We also made a sweater and many baby hats which will be sent with the afghan.

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